Treat Your Dry Eyes to a Day at the Spa
Relaxation and rejuvenation: wouldn’t it be nice if you could get that kind of comfort for your dry eyes? At Valley Family Optometry, we’ve worked hard to create a calming environment where we can offer treatment for dry eye syndrome that feels like a day at the spa.
Dry eye syndrome occurs when your eyes do not produce enough tears to keep them lubricated, or they produce poor-quality tears. Dry eyes can be caused by aging, hormones, medications, or environmental conditions.

Symptoms of Dry Eye
Common signs and symptoms of dry eye include gritty, dry feeling eyes that may itch or sting. It may cause significant discomfort or the lingering feeling of something in your eye. Your eyes may produce fewer tears or they may feel watery as they are overcompensating in response. Your vision may also become blurry or hazy.